11 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blogger Award…For Me?

  1. Sara Crafts

    Oh, you’re so sweet! I love your blog and that you share so much of yourself in it. And keep sharing those photos!

    You and the other kind bloggers here prove that the internet isn’t just comprised of mean, vindictive people hiding behind their keyboards. It’s also full of encouragment, love, and lots of support!

    1. allnightknits Post author

      It is just a lovely place. It could never replace “real” people relationships but none of my friends are knitters! Coming to this blog is like coming home to soul mates. It sounds wonky but I connect with bloggers differently than my friends – we have so much in common and we learn so much from each other.

      Okay, now I am just rambling and gushing. Needless to say, blogging suits me!

      1. Hannah Rose

        So true. I get laughed at (lovingly, but laughed at) for my interests, but on here, I’m just home. Crafting/blogging soulmates. 🙂

  2. Valerie Baber Designs

    So kind! Thanks for including me in your list. You are also inspiring to many. Love how you write your blogs. I loved your “a quick call to knitter….” blog it was great fun thinking of ways to design that awesome piece. Question: where do you answer the questions? Have a great day!

  3. greatbigdragon

    First of all, you say such nice things!!! I’m amazed that people like what I write, and very glad to have them reading. Thank you, and I promise I will step up to this award as soon as I can. 😀


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