Monthly Archives: March 2013

Week 2 Stitch Pattern

Ok, I will admit that I am smidgen late with the new stitch pattern but here it is!

My GG wrote this pattern but didn’t name where she found it or what it is originally called. I know that the pattern was used over the years for Barbie clothes, afghans and dishcloths for years and years. It is slightly raised and incredibly simple to do. Doing this pattern myself was such a hoot, it was like being close to her again.

ImageWho said simple can’t be amazing! I would also like to add the the cloths that she made still are used in kitchens in this family all over the county. It is durable and simple, with a twist.

Enjoy week 2, I had a blast!


It’s 3:00 am and it is SNOWING!!!!

Poor Bird Feeder

It is late and the world is quiet. I, however, have music blasting and my needles clacking. The snow really started to come down in earnest around midnight and now it is just coating the world. It makes everything seems so peaceful, snow is like a mute button in the world. 

There isn’t a whole lot I can do with my camera at night, but I was able to Photoshop this image of our backyard so that you can see that we’ve got maybe 3″ of snow in four hours. Living in the midwest this winter has been magical!

I’ve been knitting like a mad woman today, planning on going through my stash and WIP’s tomorrow. Honestly, I am dreading it and putting it off. I HATE not using yarn that I have. My local knitting store, or Mecca if you prefer here is Knitter’s Mercantile and they alway accept donations of yarn for the women’s shelter in town. There is also a great donation program with the nursing homes and assisted living homes in town that accept donations. My great grandmother spent my entire life in an assisting living home in Huntington, WV and was ALWAYS knitting. I just hope that someone gets to enjoy the yarn as much as she always did.

Getting ready to update all the new pictures I’ve taken and cannot wait to reveal the week 2 stitch pattern.

Hope all of you out there are getting your beauty sleep. I will be here, watching the snow and keeping my knitting needles warm!

* Visit for more information on their Knitting Mecca and for their blog. Amazing resources for knitters of all levels.

Night of the Living Dummies….and Foam Heads



It was SUCH a huge surprise to come home today, especially because I thought there was a stranger in my house. Much to my relief it was just a wonderful dressmaker dummy, courtesy of my mother and father in law. When Trevor told them I was hoping to start a business, the first thing my mother in law did was go and find her dressmaker form and insist that I take it. Imagine, my first business model! (Wow, bad joke)



In addition to the dummy, my husband when out and bought two styrofoam heads for me to take pictures of my hats with. It was so touching that my family is so behind me in this endeavor, although poor Max doesn’t seem to know what to do with dummies and fake heads. For now, he is the only family member who doesn’t think this business is a good idea. But he’s a cat, so he’ll adapt.



I am hoping for some sun here in Ohio tomorrow to begin taking pictures of all the finished projects I have just to showcase what I can do. As it stands now, I am furiously knitting all night long to try to establish the things I want to sell. it is so exciting because there is so much family history tied up in these patterns that working just makes me feel wrapped in warm memories of the women in my life who are my inspiration to try harder. My great grandmother (my GG) would be so proud. 

Not too long until the next stitch pattern comes out! Until then, feel free to visit my Ravelry page for more pictures of finished projects and all sorts of wonderful things on the needles. Still Learning how to put in a link ( I know, so much to learn, but I’ll get there!)

1 New Stitch Pattern a Week

I have been entertaining the idea of building a shop on for about a year now, and I have finally decided to jump in and do it! And by jump in I mean design some sort of business plan, pick my favorite things to give as presents to sell to others and test out a few ideas I’ve had brewing. So maybe jump in isn’t the right phrase, maybe just decide to do it.

What really inspired me was the knitting patterns from Tiny Owl Knits and the beautiful things I have gotten to make because of their store. I LOVE every single pattern they have and I thought maybe I could put things out there that people might enjoy as much as their shop. Until I can fully get a handle on how to write patterns that people could actually read, I am going to do a new swatch cloth every week until I have worked through all the ones my great grandmother had in her books. Going through all of her things I have found 24 I think and that is a good place to start.

Updates on my store, my products and my new endeavor to come.
