Week 12 – The Knotted Rib Stitch

Oh GG, you have made this heavenly stitch so simple. Wish you were here to share the glory that is this pattern!

Upwards Angle

Upwards Angle

  • cor p2ktwice p4 end by two – Row 1: (RS) p2, *K front and back, p4*; end K front and back, p2. ( I don’t know if it is the fact that I have spent 12 weeks reading your work GG, but this was by far the most informative you’ve ever been!)
  • k2 pjoin k4 end by two – Row 2: (WS) K2, *p2tog, k4: rep rom* ending P2tog, K2 (Okay, the pjoin was new, but it made since that if I increased in the first row, I had to decrease in the second. Thank you GG, The perfect topper to this week!)

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

** Simplified Pattern for The Knotted Rib Stitch **

  • Cast on any multiple of 5 stitches. (×5)
  • Row 1: (RS) p2, *K front and back, p4*; end K front and back, p2
  • Row 2: (WS) K2, *p2tog, k4: rep rom* ending P2tog, K2
  • → Repeat these 2 rows until desired length.
  • → BO Loosely.

Whatcha Thinking Friends and Neighbors?