Stitch Pattern A Week

If you have read my blog, you are aware that once a week I delve into the mind of my great-grandmother – Ms. Jessie Sovine – and attempt to make her incoherent ramblings of patterns into something that can be used. I wanted to share a bit of my history with you, and since she has been the biggest influence (even 20 years in her grave) for my knitting it is important for me to share my roots.

This is where I come from, where my first needles and yarn emerged and began to take over my life. I want to show you – in extreme detail – how much love and work went into each week. It is hard to imagine my life without knitting now, but back when I first started I simply stared at these pointy sticks without a glance. Now, they are my past, my present, and my future.

Let me share a bit of my family with you, Jessie would love that. Feel free to roam as you like, to see how her archaic transcriptions of patterns have made me the knitter I am today.

Most of all, enjoy!

Whatcha Thinking Friends and Neighbors?