Finally! So Much GOOD Stuff to Report!

My oh my dear friends and neighbors, my cup runneth over! A shopping spree on Etsy is starting to arrive, projects are getting finished and life is recovering its equilibrium. Where to begin, how to begin? Well, how about the beginning!

 ♥ Finished Projects ♥

I know it is Wednesday and I should be showing pictures of the copious amounts of WIPs currently taking over my living room, but I cannot resist sharing good news today. I finished two projects in the last two days; sitting outside and getting that much-needed vitamin D, I watched projects just keep growing and eventually flowing off my needles.

The first is the Graham Hat. I found it hunting down knitting projects for my dear Hannah Rose (hmm….hope I got that right) over at A World Created who was starting her first knitting project. I fell in love with its simplicity – and the fact that it isn’t copy written so I can try to sell it – and casted on. Wanna see how it went? Well, Hells Bells, I am giddy to show you!

I am very pleased with how it turned out, and the berry colored yarn is so ridiculously soft, I cannot get over it. I found it my stash (since T is out of work I am going on a stash-busting mission) and had forgotten it was there. Well, turns out that worked out just lovely.

The second project is one I have shared before, the Entrelac Knitted Cowl from the Craftsy Classroom. Once I got a handle on how it all works, it was the most mindless knitting I have done in a long time, which is fantastic! How could something that looks that complex be so easy to do? Practice, patience and lots of knitting love!

Oh, so much good stuff…and there’s more to come!

♥ Etsy Love ♥

In a rare show of support from my Mom, I was recently given a prepaid credit card to do some shopping on Etsy. The idea behind it was to be able to see how the shops worked, how things were packaged and how well the shops operated. It would have been perfect if she hadn’t said “Oh, you know. In case you ever actually sell anything” but today I just don’t care that it was said. I got online, searched my shops and my blogs and made some purchases.

I didn’t realize Hannah Rose was going to get two shout-outs today but here it goes. Hers was the first shop I went to, I had remembered a post showcasing earrings that made me drool and I thought this was the best place for me to start. A World Created is her store on Etsy and I am just head over heels for it, so many diverse things and such incredible prices. I bought the pair of earrings that I’d fallen in love with and to my surprise, there was a free ring in with my purchase! It felt like Christmas getting the mail this morning!

My New Earrings!

My New Earrings!

My new - and unexpected - Ring!!

My new – and unexpected – Ring!!




Even as I am writing this post I have the earrings and the ring on, I feel a bit like the girl in the picture. Just so soft, so feminine and oh so happy. The best part about the ring is that it is adjustable, so when my silly hand swells I can keep wearing it!

My second (of three) purchases was not from a blogger but from one of the best sellers on Etsy. I received a skein of Shimmer Silk Yarn (200 yards/.5oz) of lace weight yarn from WCMercantile. I am going to start working on my Beekeeper’s Quilt here shortly, and I thought this would be great for either embroidery or knitting. The packaging was sparse and to the point, but the yarn is really quite lovely!

Summer Silk Lace Yarn.

Shimmer Silk Lace Yarn.

My last package should arrive tomorrow from another blogger with talent to spare. Oh, this post has just been so much fun to write. The nagging Panic Monster cannot be bothered to pester me when I am in such a good mood. I have put off – at least for today – the fears and trepidations of facing life with an unemployed husband, an offending appendage, and facing the loss of health insurance. I am all about sitting in my garden, smelling the sweet herbs just waiting to be made into something mouth-watering. I am going to knit with abandon, love like there’s no tomorrow and cannot wait to post again.

Thank you again friends and neighbors! Your support, kind words and talent push me a little further each day to being the person I know that I can be. Have a freaking awesome day!

31 thoughts on “Finally! So Much GOOD Stuff to Report!

  1. salpal1

    oh, it is so fun to shop when you can really buy stuff, isn’t it? I hope you learned lots about how to make a successful shop on Etsy, I look forward to learning more about that.

    1. allnightknits Post author

      I’m not real sure what I have learned – except that you treat your customers like royalty! It was very kind of my Mom to let me do this, we don’t have the money to spare and it was a very kind gesture.

      1. salpal1

        and a great idea, although the comment was unnecessary. 🙂
        What I need help with is promoting that type of site, and finding customers who can buy things. I have no shop yet, but I do dream of the day when I can actually make money with stuff I make!

        1. allnightknits Post author

          Okay. Well first I would tell you not to get your hopes up, just to take it as it comes. It has been slow for myself and everyone else I have spoken with who has recently opened a shop. The market is so flooded with wonderful things that there are a lot of us competing for a little bit of the stage.
          I started with a Facebook Page, one totally devoted to to things I was making and how I was doing it. There, I got all my friends and family talking about what was happening. It spread from there, word of mouth is your best friend. I am currently considering going to places with people I know (work, church, my mom’s work, my grandmother’s bridge club ect.) to actually show people physical products- and then leave my card. If they want to buy it on site, great. But it would be better if they went through the website, even if I do waive shipping.
          Just take it a step at a time. Build a platform and an audience and be ready to be patient.
          Best of luck to you!

          1. salpal1

            thanks for all the advice! If I ever get organized enough to do this, I will use it. One problem is that my family and friends are used to getting all this stuff for free!

  2. Hannah Rose

    I’m so glad they arrived and that you like them! And I had to throw in a surprise for you. 🙂
    That yarn is GORGEOUS. If I won the lottery, I swear I’d spend it all on yarn, books, and other crafting supplies. Thanks so much for the shout-outs!

    1. allnightknits Post author

      My pleasure, I am in love itch my new jewelry! I totally agree on the way to spend lottery money, it would be out of control!!!
      Thanks for a great day!!

  3. bekswhoknits

    Sounds like your mum went to the same mum school as mine. I’m constantly reminding myself that she means well.

    I love etsy shopping. I really do. I have so many etsy goodies and I’ve found some really wonderful yarn sellers too. And discovered an addiction for metal stamped bracelets.

      1. bekswhoknits

        well this is my favourites list which I add to all the time.
        The sellers that I’ve most recently bought yarn from is lady bug fibre which I haven’t knit with yet, but it was in the most lovely colours.
        I bought 3 skeins from yarnvszombies who is an australian seller. I then had to join her downton abby and tea yarn club. I have started a hat in her Damsel base, and it’s so wonderful to work with.
        I’ve also just finished a cowl with Invictus Yarn which just flew through my fingers. I’ve bought from vera yarn too, but she is currently on a break.
        But I haven’t really had a bad etsy experience yet.
        The only problems I’ve had is where I haven’t read the description properly (an ipod skin which was a sticker not a case that I thought it was). I haven’t had a bad yarn buying experience yet.
        Have fun!

          1. bekswhoknits

            Its expensive! But worth it.
            Sometimes when I’m feeling sad, I’ll look up sock yarn on etsy. The colours and colour combinations make me instantly feel better.
            And some of the names are just awesome. I’m a sucker for a doctor who themed yarn.

            1. allnightknits Post author

              I find that I spend the most money on yarn when I’m sad as well, but I never keep what I’ve made. Usually I find a project that I know someone would love and jump in, it makes me feel better to a) work with fancy yarn and b) get stupid excited about making a present for someone. Instant Prozac for a troubled mind!

    1. allnightknits Post author

      Thank you, it was sooooo nice to feel giddy all day long. The earrings are incredible, and I’m not just saying that because we are blogging buddies. Really, they are so well made and so uniquely feminine….I just wish I could buy out that whole store!

    1. allnightknits Post author

      Hannah Rose and I both have shops and I do custom orders, if the mood strikes. Also, I just recently got into swapping which is so much fun!
      Glad you like it, thanks for reading!!

    1. allnightknits Post author

      I’ve been doing this for a couple of years now, it’s all patients! I’m sure you can do it, just give it time and let me know if you need any help!


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