An Award? Seriously!

I never expected to receive an award for blogging, especially from a blog I admire so much. Thank you so much to Organize and Craft for this, I love your blog and still cannot believe you actually read mine! 🙂


I’m going to copy from there what this award is all about…

So.. here are the rules:

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy. (Done)
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it. (Done)
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site. (Done)
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself. (Done)

-My list of 15 blogs-

  1. Movies Silently
  2. Knitting Rays of Hope
  3. yarnycakes
  4. Bright Moments Catcher
  5. Sara Crafts
  6. Lottieknits
  7. HarsH ReaLiTy
  8. Palestine Rose
  9. craftyclairy
  10. theverybesttop10
  11. feelgoodknitting
  12. creativelycarolyn
  13. A Little Blog of Books and Other Stuff
  14. WinterOwls
  15. pacificparatrooper

-And Now… 7 Things About Myself…-

  1. Serious caffeine addiction, especially Diet Coke.
  2. I consider myself a connoisseur of horror movies.
  3. My childhood hero was my Papaw (my Mom’s Dad).
  4. I have broken 24 bones in 10 years…Super Klutzy.
  5. I play the ukulele…saw it in Blue Valentine and HAD to learn.
  6. I speak fluent French, which is super useful in Ohio!
  7. I have a weakness for Lego’s, particularly the architecture series.

39 thoughts on “An Award? Seriously!

  1. Sara M

    I’ve only been following your blog for less than a week, but I love your writing style and beautiful knits! Thanks for the nomination. 🙂

  2. Russell Deasley

    Thank you so, so much for this award Rachel but I am afraid I have already been nominated for it and attached it to my website, but I still am very grateful for you choosing me and a little bit honoured to have it again so I will follow the rules and pass it on. I hope this is OK.

    1. allnightknits Post author

      Sorry I didn’t notice before. Still, I am glad I sent it to you, your blog is priceless! I work in pediatric oncology and sometimes your posts are the difference between laughing and pulling my hair out. It really means a lot to me (and all those staring ver my shoulder)that you do what you do!

  3. Winter Owls

    Congratulations on receiving this award Rachel and thank you so much for nominating my blog! I am a bit of a sticky beak so I enjoyed the seven things about you. Twenty-four broken bones, you poor thing! I’ve only broken a toe and a finger so far….and speaking of klutzy I broke my finger whilst watching a basketball game!

  4. Pingback: Paper Flowers | Creatively Carolyn

  5. Pingback: The Shell necklace | Organize & Craft

    1. allnightknits Post author

      Thank you so much! I read your post and wait you said was so kind, it was truly lovely! I’m not sure what to do since I’ve already relieved this award though…..except to say I love your blog and your kind words are inspiring!

      1. kfklever

        You have to do the post all over again! Just kidding 😉
        Thank you so much for saying that about my blog, I’m honestly so touched.

    1. allnightknits Post author

      Thank you! I’ve never done the Star Wars Legos myself (I’ve never seen any of the movies) but the kits still look like fun. Thanks for reading, I really enjoy your blog so I’m a bit awed!

  6. 최다해 gongjumonica

    Congratulations on your award. Are you okay now? I haven’t broken a bone yet though I am sure it will hurt!

  7. noebelldreams

    Hi! Congrats on the award! That is very exciting. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts. And, thank you for reading my blog and liking it. You made my day!

  8. 1WriteWay

    Congratulations on your award! You can receive these awards multiple times (in particular the Liebster Award which has a few different versions), but you never have to follow the rules (at least in my humble opinion). I’ve been known to fudge now and then because they can be quite detailed. But it’s all in good fun and everyone likes getting an award 🙂 Congrats again and thanks for following my blog. I haven’t written much about knitting (yet) but I do love to knit and will eventually post stuff 😉


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